John’s Career At Sea Journey

We sat down with John Galloway, Senior Maritime Simulator Instructor at MSA Portsmouth, to find out about his career at sea and the exciting opportunities life at sea can offer for people wanting to get into the industry. 

What made you consider a career at sea?

John: “A family friend of ours was working as a submariner in the Royal Navy and was really enjoying it. I wanted to get a good job and start earning a living. I am the only person in my family history that has worked at sea, my grandparents worked in the Royal Air Force and Army. I decided to join the Royal Navy as a Junior Rating once my younger brother had turned 16 years old, as that was always his plan. When I was able to choose my modules, I eventually went into nuclear submarines, as this is something I was really interested in.

I was working as an apprentice butcher for a year after I left school and before I joined the Navy for six years!”

Was a career at sea always an option for you?

John: “In my day, the careers advisors at school weren’t that open about different industries, they didn’t tend to speak about the career opportunities available within the Merchant Navy, so I only knew about the Royal Navy. I wasn’t aware of all the opportunities around different vessels, like cruises and superyachts. If I knew of the Merchant Navy at the time, I probably would have applied there straight away instead.” 

What roles did you work in?

John: “I worked in the Royal Navy for 6 years before leaving. Nowadays the Royal Navy certifications are interchangeable with the Merchant Navy, however this was not the case in my day. I went to work in the North Sea as an uncertificated Engineer, using my knowledge I had learnt during my time in the Navy. 

During this time, I attended the City of Glasgow College where I gained my 1st Officer licence. I was working month on/month off but I would take a block of time off to study at college. I was able to save up some money from working and was able to self-fund my studies at the college. 

I then worked as a 2nd Engineer at North Star Shipping on oil rig service vessels. This is very ironic, but I get very sea-sick, and the North Sea is not the place you want to be if that’s the case. So after 7 and a half years, I sent my CV to Viking Crew as I saw an advert for the company on a shipping magazine whilst at sea. 

I was successful and started working for Windstar Cruises as a 3rd Engineer, sailing all around the world for about 6 years. My favourite places I visited were Vietnam and Santorini. I had my most expensive dinner there! I met my now wife whilst working at Windstar Cruises so it was a special time.

John with fellow Windstar Cruises engineers, in Rhodes, Greece | John's Career at Sea Journey
John with fellow Windstar Cruises engineers, in Rhodes, Greece


I then took some time off and moved to Fort Lauderdale, USA, with my wife. Soon after, I used Viking Crew’s Placement Services again to get a job on a new superyacht project. I started working as Chief Engineer on some magnificent superyachts, sailing to lots of beautiful places. 

I then started working ashore for Fraser Yachts, and was an Engineer Superintendent.

Just before the pandemic hit in 2020, we decided to move back to the UK and I worked as a Safety Engineer at a theme park in Yorkshire. I was approached by Dohle Yachts and worked there for a while.

During this time, I was intrigued by the Bridge Simulators at Maritime Skills Academy Portsmouth, and went down to have a look. The team at MSA Portsmouth approached me to work as a Senior Simulator Technician and I have been here for a year and a half. At 60 years of age I have started a new career! I absolutely love working at MSA Portsmouth, this is my ideal job. 

It’s great that I have worked in various roles previously as I feel I now have a lot of experience to share with delegates who train here.”

Would you recommend a career at sea?

John: “Of course, yes. A life at sea isn’t for everybody, but for those who do take the opportunity, it’s definitely worth it. There was a young Captain who was going to quit as a cadet, and I took him aside and said to him, “get your licence first, and then quit if you still want to.” Fast forward a few years, and now he is a Captain for some of the big cruise ships. If you’re considering a career at sea, then I would encourage you to speak to others in the industry to learn more before embarking in this lifestyle.” 

John and crew onboard Windstar's Wind Surf vessel | John's Career At Sea Journey
John and crew onboard Windstar Cruises Wind Surf


Would you still choose a career at sea if you were a young person/teenager now?

John: “Yes, I think I would have missed the military side, and instead gone straight into the Merchant Navy, as I’ve been playing catch up for the six years I spent in the Royal Navy. Obviously, the conditions are changing and have changed since I was a young person, but it’s a way of life. You’ve got to have that quality of life on board as well.” 

Windstar Cruises Wind Surf cruise ship | John's Career At Sea Journey
Windstar Cruises Wind Surf vessel


What opportunities can a career at sea offer? 

John: “The one thing I would say is, age equals experience – and that’s a valuable commodity in this industry. The experience is a bonus, there’s plenty of jobs with the shipping companies, and you can go ashore when it suits you. It’s also a lifelong career, but that doesn’t mean it is for everyone. Nevertheless, take every opportunity, as you never know what will come of them.”

John teaching Chiltern Maritime cadets at MSA Portsmouth | John's Career At Sea Journey
John teaching cadets at MSA Portsmouth


What advice would you give to someone deciding on a career at sea?

John: “My advice would be to think long and hard about your lifestyle. If you want a life and family, it might be better waiting until after your career. It’s the one fundamental flaw of a life at sea, and that is relationships. For example, if you’ve got somebody waiting at home, and I speak from experience from my earlier days, what happens is you get home off a trip and all you want to be is at home. What about this person, they’ve been at home all this time, all they want to do is get out with you. There’s definitely a compromise. 

Only through experience, you learn this, because life at sea is very much like ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’ in my opinion, it’s for people who don’t want to grow up. Having said that, you do become more pragmatic with the experiences. 

In certain aspects of my life, I felt as though I certainly gained some independence, and it made me mature quicker. Plus, the financial rewards are good. 

In the Royal Navy, I of course missed home, as I was away for nine months at a time. Even though you’re surrounded by all this fun, homesickness is still a factor. Essentially, I’ve always wanted to be a homebody but it’s kind of ironic with the lifestyle I chose.” 

Feeling inspired by John’s story and want to explore a career at sea? Click here to explore our current vacancies at Viking Crew. 

Date of Issue: 26th March 2024
Last Edited: 28th August 2024

Everything you need to know about “Beyond Compliance” Training with Head of Training at MSA Dover, Sam Kelly

Maritime Skills Academy Dover is a purpose built, state-of-the-art simulation centre with industry leading training equipment. MSA Dover offers a range of courses for seafarers, from personal survival skills to fire prevention and firefighting.

We spoke to Sam Kelly, Head of Training at MSA Dover, to understand the importance of “beyond compliance” training for crew in the maritime industry.

Sam Kelly Maritime Skills Academy Expert
Sam Kelly, Head of Training at MSA Dover

What is “Beyond Compliance” training?

It is mandatory for all vessels to sail with crew that are fully certified in their specific duties, however I am a passionate advocate for “beyond compliance” training – offering further investment in the crew through training.

This involves, but not limited to, training the teams responsible for firefighting on ships. Training is held in a purpose-built centre that mimics the environment on board a vessel. Here we can safely train in hot and smoky environments, teaching the crew company specific requirements when dealing with a real fire.

It is estimated that on average, 90% of companies’ training budgets is allocated to only 10% of the entire crew.

What are the benefits of having a thorough and detailed safety system onboard?

I believe in training for the worst and hoping for the best, having a robust safety management system ensures that all crew know exactly what to do when an emergency happens. There are so many moving parts that need to work in sync to ensure a professional and effective response to deal with these situations effectively and successfully.

According to Lloyd’s Register within the last 5 years, there have been 55 accidents reported that involved grounding or fire on yachts over 24 meters in length.

There has also been an increase in lithium-ion battery fires, caused by lithium gadgets stored in tender garages or dedicated storage areas.

These statistics highlight the importance of fire prevention training for all crew members that goes beyond the mandatory standards set, to ensure they are equipped with the skills to allow them to confidently deal with an emergency situation on board.

  Beyond Compliance Training Maritime Skills Academy

Does investing in your crew’s training benefit in the long term?

Investing time and effort in your crew will improve morale, retention and confidence. We have recently developed an Operational Fire Fighting Training (OPFF) course for Virgin Voyages and have successfully delivered multiple sessions around the globe.

This includes at the University of Gibraltar, in the Philippines and at MSA Dover, working with their Senior Management Team to ensure the course replicates the expectations of crew on board. The crew’s response to this investment in their training has been hugely positive, as they feel valued by their employer and more courses have now been scheduled.

Beyond Compliance Training Maritime Skills Academy Dover

What can the crew learn from having “beyond compliance” training?

If the crew have completed our operational firefighting training, they will gain confidence in the equipment, improve their communication skills, and understand the importance of teamwork.

They will also have a much better knowledge of their company’s emergency response procedures.

Beyond Compliance Training Maritime Skills Academy Dover Kent

About Sam Kelly

Sam Kelly is Head of Training at MSA Dover. After graduating with a degree in the Science of Maritime Operations, Sam spent 11 years working as a Navigation Officer in the ferry and cruise industries, visiting ports in the Mediterranean, Baltic, Norway and the Caribbean.

Sam then joined Saga cruises as a Maritime Operations Manager, before progressing to a Marine Superintendent. He played a leading role in bringing the newest Spirit class vessels into service and managed the turnaround operations in the UK as well as all port operations Worldwide.

Sam brings a wealth of knowledge gained throughout his career to his role at MSA Dover.

Explore our latest courses at Maritime Skills Academy here.

The Maritime Skills Academy Celebrates the Nautical Institute’s Recognition for Polar Training Courses

The Maritime Skills Academy (MSA) is proud to announce that our Polar Code Basic Course (POLAB) and Advanced Training Course (POLA) has received recognition from the Nautical Institute (NI).

Our courses are part of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that seafarers must undertake to gain the Ice Navigator Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate. This recognition makes the Maritime Skills Academy one of only two training centres in the world to hold this accreditation.

What is the Ice Navigator Training Accreditation and Certification Scheme?

The NI Ice Navigator Training Accreditation and Certification Scheme is required under the Polar Code, with a global standard in training and certification of Ice Navigators.

The NI Standard complies with relevant IMO resolutions and identifies the skills, competencies, and experience that are expected of an Ice Navigator. Officers that obtain NI Ice Navigator Level 1 or Level 2 Certification will possess an internationally recognised level of experience and competence in the operation of ships in ice.

Mark Jaenicke, Operations Director at the MSA said,

“We are thrilled to have received recognition from the Nautical Institute and to be able to offer these high-quality courses to seafarers.

“Our team of experienced Ice Captains and Ice Pilots has developed the courses to provide a comprehensive education and training program that meets the requirements of the STCW.

“With this recognition, we are confident that our courses will help seafarers improve their skills and advance their careers in polar navigation.”

Maritime Skills Academy Nautical Institute Recognition Polar Training Course

What is the Polar Training Course?

The Polar Training Course is a comprehensive training program designed to equip seafarers with the necessary skills and knowledge required for navigating ships in polar waters. The scheme was set up as part of the Nautical Institute’s Ice Navigator Training Accreditation and Certification Scheme, which is required under the Polar Code.

The NI has developed this global standard in training and certification of Ice Navigators in compliance with relevant IMO resolutions; it identifies the skills, competencies, and experience expected of an ice navigator.

The NI Standard has two levels: Ice Navigator Level 1 and Ice Navigator Level 2. These are internationally recognised certificates that signify a high level of experience and competence in the operation of ships in ice.

Officers who obtain the NI Ice Navigator Level 1 or Level 2 Certification will possess the necessary skills and experience to navigate polar waters safely and effectively.

Maritime Skills Academy Nautical Institute Recognition Polar Training Courses

What Do the Courses Involve?

The Maritime Skills Academy offers two MCA Approved Polar Code Training courses:

The Polar Code Training (Basic) (POLAB) aims to provide seafarers on board polar-operating ships with education and training that meet the STCW requirements. The course covers the following topics:

  • Polar Code overview and regulations
  • Cold climate and its impact on the ship and crew
  • Ice and its various forms
  • Navigation in ice and low visibility
  • Emergency procedures in ice-covered waters

The Polar Code Training (Advanced) (POLA) is intended for Masters and Officers in charge of the navigational watch involved in navigating ice conditions. The course covers the following topics:

  • Plan and conduct a voyage in polar water
  • Manage the safe operation of vessels operating in polar waters
  • Maintain safety of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other systems

Both courses have been developed by experienced Ice Captains and Ice Pilots, who are recognised leaders in the industry. Our instructors have extensive experience in navigating ships in polar waters, and help deliver these courses.

Upon successful completion of the course, seafarers will have the knowledge and skills necessary to operate ships safely and efficiently in polar waters.

Final Thoughts

We are proud to have received recognition from the Nautical Institute for its Polar Code Basic Course (POLAB) and Advanced Training Course (POLA).

By completing these courses, seafarers can gain the Ice Navigator Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate, which will provide internationally recognised experience and competence in the operation of ships in ice.

This opens up polar waters to more seafarers and provides an opportunity to further your career in polar seafaring.

If you’re interested in the Polar Code Basic Course (POLAB) or Advanced Training Course (POLA), please click here.